Prevention, non-surgical care, and chronic condition management that actually works.

Scalable human support

The only intervention that helps clinicians see more patients while increasing time spent per patient.

Right-place, right-time care

A place for patients that need more support than digital self-service tools provide, without expensive 1:1 care.

Peer-to-peer accountability

A proven-model for support that drives long-term, sustained lifestyle and behavior change.

What is group-based care?

Group-based care empowers a care team to deliver education and clinical support to a group of patients with similar needs, while those patients provide each other with support.

How does Carina Health help?

Historically, groups were run manually by superstar clinicians. Carina Health provides the software tools so any care team can easily deploy and manage a group-based intervention, using data and modern technology to maximize outcomes while reducing administrative burden.

Identify a patient cohort

Though each patient has unique story, many benefit from similar clinical interventions and care programs.

Deploy a group using evidence-based curriculum

Curate personalized education and support programs for each group with out-of-the-box standards - or build and reuse your own curriculum.

Manage the group: goals, meetings, tasks, and community

Deliver interactive and impactful care, leveraging the unique qualities of peer groups: social bonds, team accountability, group Q&A, and shared experience. Help patients form connections that keep them tuned in.

Monitor group performance

Watch retention, satisfaction, and attendance metrics to make sure that the group is working. Deliver notifications, pivot to new curriculum, and reinforce peer bonds to drive sustained engagement.

Learn and improve

As data comes in, figure out what worked to deliver outcomes, and roll out learnings to new groups.

We provide the group care infrastructure that your existing tools don't provide

No capability overlap - augment what you already have
Integrations into your existing tools for seamless care administration
A group experience, out-of-the-box: moderation, privacy, optimization, support
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

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